
Join me as I playfully revisit ancient wisdom, reclaim practices from my lineage, and recover my own unique voice.

Let’s journey together.

The Ground is Alive Series LeAnn D. Jenkins The Ground is Alive Series LeAnn D. Jenkins

The Ground is Alive and Cannot Be Tamed.

I am often challenging myself to see abundant life and wildness in places where there first appears to be none. If it is difficult to notice the layers of life in a small tree, it is often even more difficult to notice the life in the ground itself, much less to capture it. Maybe that is one of its strengths. It is difficult to contain or anticipate its movements.

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An Unexpected Pilgrimage Series LeAnn D. Jenkins An Unexpected Pilgrimage Series LeAnn D. Jenkins

An Unexpected Pilgrimage

I wrote the first poem in this series, in March 2022. By the end of April, I'd quit my 9-5 and left Chicago where I was living at the time. The past few years had seen countless doctor's visits, 3 minor surgeries, 2 emergency room visits, months of severe insomnia, digestive issues, and hair loss. Even though I am a mystic and a Spiritual Director, it took a year and many different places to “get” what my body and spirit were telling me.

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